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Buy ADA Cardano
Learn more about ADA Cardano: How to buy, Exploring Its Impact, Market Capitalization, and more
What is ADA Cardano?

If you're looking for a cryptocurrency that's not just about money but also about brains, fairness, and community, ADA (Cardano's own currency) might just be your new digital best friend. Is not just a cryptocurrency; it's a whole new way of doing things in the digital world. What makes it special? First and foremost, this platform is built on scientific and academic principles, which means it's super smart and secure. Secondly, Cardano features a two-layered structure. One layer, called the settlement layer, takes care of moving and storing values (think of it as Cardano's muscle). The other layer, the computational layer, is like the brain, handling smart contracts and making sure everything runs smoothly. Thirdly, Cardano stands out by giving every participant the opportunity to voice their opinion. You can use Cardano not just to buy and sell, but also to vote and help decide what happens next in its world.

Cardano (ADA) price in USD
in 24 hours

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Pay and receive
Decide whether you want to pay via SEPA or just using bank card and confirm the payment. Now you own ADA!
How to buy
What is Itez?
Best rates on the market
Exchange rate is based on the current rate of our liquidity provider partner
Fair pricing approach
No hidden fees, you pay only what you see
Fast transactions
We ensure that you receive your ADA as fast as possible
Secure and legal
3-D Secure transactions. Card authorisation by code. Verified by Visa, Mastercard ID Check
Can ADA be staked for rewards?
It sure can! ADA holders may stake their coins to help validate transactions and earn rewards in return.
Can ADA be used for cross-border transactions?
Yes! ADA's speed and low fees make it pretty suitable for cross-border payments. Actually, most of cryptocurrencies seems to be more convenient in terms of cross-border transactions than fiat ones.
What's the role of ADA in Cardano's governance?
ADA holders participate in governance decisions. They usually vote on proposals for network upgrades and other improvements. One coin counts as one vote.