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Buy Matic (Polygon) Instantly with Itez
Learn more about Matic : How to buy, Exploring Its Impact, Market Capitalization, and more
What is Matic?

Matik is the native cryptocurrency of the Polygon platform, which was created as a layer 2 scaling solution for Ethereum, addressing its scalability and cost issues. By utilizing Polygon's sidechain infrastructure, users can enjoy faster transactions, reduced fees, and improved interoperability. Join the Polygon network to unlock the full potential of Ethereum with enhanced speed and efficiency.

Matic (Polygon) price in USD
in 24 hours

Choose Your Cryptocurrency
Select Matic (Polygon) from the list, then choose your preferred fiat currency and enter the amount you wish to purchase.
Enter wallet address
Provide the address of the wallet where you want to receive your Matic. If you don't have a wallet, you can create one using our recommended wallet services.
Make the Payment and Receive Your Matic
Choose whether to pay via SEPA or with a bank card, then confirm your payment. Once the payment is confirmed, your Matic will be sent to your provided wallet address. Congratulations, you now own Matic!
How to buy
What is Itez?

Fast and secure way to purchase crypto with bank card & SEPA

Best rates on the market
Exchange rate is based on the current rate of our liquidity provider partner
Fair pricing approach
No hidden fees, you pay only what you see
Fast transactions
We ensure that you receive your Matic as fast as possible
Secure and legal
3-D Secure transactions. Card authorisation by code. Verified by Visa, Mastercard ID Check
1. Can I use my MATIC tokens to yield farm?
Absolutely! You can stake your MATIC in various DeFi protocols and earn some rewards.
2. What's the secret behind Polygon's low gas fees?
Polygon's Proof-of-Stake (PoS) consensus mechanism is unique as it keeps gas fees low. Thus, its PoS makes Polygon super attractive for traders looking to save some money.
3. What's the deal with Polygon's Layer 2 solutions?
Polygon offers several Layer 2 solutions, such as ZK Rollups and Optimistic Rollups, with their own advantages and trade-offs. So, choose wisely!
4. Is MATIC's price influenced by Bitcoin's movements?
Just like most altcoins, MATIC tends to mirror Bitcoin's movements. So be sure to to track the BTC chart! 5. Can I bridge my assets from other chains to Polygon? Yes! You can move your assets from Ethereum and other compatible chains with it.
6. How does Polygon foster interoperability?
Polygon stimulates interoperability by integrating with various blockchains. This ensures easy communication between ecosystems — no borders, only opportunities!
7. What are the risks of using Layer 2 solutions?
Layer 2s are generally secure but still fallible. Always be cautious and aware of potential risks when diving into these solutions.
8. Is MATIC suitable for day trading?
With its volatility and liquidity, MATIC is perfect for day traders. But remember, the market's always full of surprises!
9. What's the community like in the Polygon ecosystem?
Polygon's community is one of the most vibrant and engaged in the crypto space, full of passionate HODLers and innovative minds.
10. Can I use Polygon for non-crypto transactions?
Yes, you can! Transactions on Polygon are fast and cheap, so it's a good choice for various activities, from gaming to remittances.
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