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Buy crypto with your bank card

Fast and secure.
What is Itez?
Fast and secure way to purchase Bitcoin with your bank card
Best rates on the market
Exchange rate is based on the current rate of our liquidity provider partner
Fair pricing approach
No hidden fees, you pay only what you see
Fast transactions
We ensure that you receive your Bitcoin as fast as possible
Secure and legal
3-D Secure transactions. Card authorisation by code. Verified by Visa, Mastercard ID Check
Easy integration
No burdensome installation, no learning required. Just copy-paste the code to your site
# Create a container for the widget.
<div id="itez-widget"></div>

# Initialize the widget.
<script type="text/javascript">   ItezWidget.run ({
    target_element: 'itez-widget',
    sum: '100',
    cur: 'USD',
    id: '004',
    lang: 'EN'

Simply copy paste the code into your site’s code with your API key. Full documentation see here

Security and compliance
PCI DSS certification (3.2)
License for Exchanging virtual currency against fiat currencies
License for Virtual currency wallet service
Payment options
Currently we accept Visa and Mastercard with 3-D Secure